Can you claim workers compensation for a workplace neck injury? Absolutely. Under Florida law, employees who got injured while doing their jobs are entitled to workers compensation benefits. Unfortunately, employers and insurance companies will not readily give it to you.
Most workers compensation claims are routinely denied by employers. Others would even go as far as threatening to fire workers who file for compensation benefits. This is why you need the help of an experienced workers compensation lawyer like Victor Malca.
Here at Victor Malca Law, P.A., we are committed to helping injured workers get the benefits they rightfully deserve. We can help you too. Atty. Malca’s 23 years of experience defending the rights of workers in Florida will work to your advantage. He knows the ins and outs of the state’s workers compensation law and he never stops until a case is won. This makes him the best person to negotiate your workers compensation benefits or present your case in court. Call us now to avail of our free consultation.
Common Types of Neck Injury
Neck injuries are among the most common types of workplace injuries. The lack of protective gear and workplace safety protocols is the most often cause of neck injuries.
Your neck is composed of muscles, bones, joints, and tendons. The nerve that connects your spine to the brain also passes through your neck. Thus the severity of neck injuries can vary from a simple sprain to fatal coma-inducing ones. It can also be categorized into injuries affecting the soft tissue and those that affect the nerves or the spinal cord. Here are some of the most common types of neck injury employees suffer in the workplace:
- Muscle Strain – The pain can range from mild to severe. Mild pain is usually treated with over the counter medications. But a severe pain is usually indicative of nerve damage or vertebral dislocation. The latter requires immediate medical attention.
- Neck Sprain – This is an injury to the ligaments around your neck. Its often caused by falls, sudden twists or repeated stress to the neck joints.
- Stingers and Burners – Named after the stinging and burning sensation that comes with the injury. Its often caused by an abrupt tilt to the head or looking in the other direction so suddenly.
- Herniated Disc – Symptoms usually include weakness, numbness, a burning sensation or an electrical sensation that goes down one arm. Treatment typically starts with medication then physical therapy. Some cases might warrant surgery.
- Neck Fracture – Its a break in the cervical bone caused by trauma, fall or degenerative changes in the spine. If the fracture destabilizes the neck, a halo brace might be needed.
- Cervical Dislocation – This usually occurs when a bone in your neck gets dislocated because the ligaments that hold it ruptures. It can damage the spinal cord and may require surgery.
- Spinal Cord Injury – Neck injuries like these are often serious or even fatal. Most of those who survived a spinal cord injury end up permanently disabled.
What Benefits Can You Get?
If your injury warrants immediate medical attention, your employer should be able to give it to you. If you paid for emergency treatment yourself, you can ask your employer for reimbursement. Other medical benefits you are entitled to are hospitalization, medications, and other medical supplies. If necessary, they should also provide for your surgery, prostheses, and other post-surgery treatments.
Apart from medical benefits, you are also entitled to lost wages compensation. The amount usually depends on how the injury affected your ability to earn a living. There are four types of disability compensation you can apply for:
- Temporary Partial Disability
- Permanent Partial Disability
- Temporary Total Disability
- Permanent Total Disability
If you’re not sure which of these four applies to you, call us for a free consultation. We will be very happy to assist you.

How We Can Help
We are one of the most trusted workers compensation law firm in Florida. A fact that can also be attested by the thousands of injured workers we’ve helped for more than two decades now.
Part of our commitment is guiding you throughout the entire process. From helping you complete the necessary documents, negotiating with your employer to representing your case in court, we got you covered. All you need to do is pick up the phone and call us now.